
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

GP Emergency Station Den Helder

  • Address of GP Emergency Station Den Helder Huisduinerweg 3
  • Zip code of GP Emergency Station Den Helder 1782 GZ Den Helder
  • Phone number of GP Emergency Station Den Helder 0223 – 670 470 for emergency in the evening / night and on weekends
  • Route description Do not come to the GP emergency post without an appointment
  • Pharmacy Emergency pharmacy Den Helder

Opening hours

Monday till Friday:
5:00 PM to 8:00 AM
Saturday, sunday and bank holidays:
Open 24 hours
Google maps image for GP Emergency Station Den Helder

General information

In Den Helder, Northwest Hospital Group (NWZ) and General Practitioners’ Organization Kop van Noord-Holland (HKN) have joined forces for more efficient emergency care. At the Emergency Square, the emergency room of Northwest and the GP emergency station of HKN are fully integrated. A team of general practitioners, emergency room doctors, medical specialists, emergency room nurses and triage nurses work together here, so that you as a patient receive the right care from the right healthcare professional that suits your acute medical complaint as quickly as possible.

At the Emergency Square we can help you even better with acute complaints. More information can be found in the brochure ‘Welcome to the emergency square, location Den Helder

Our locations are easily accessible by public transport. Don’t have a car at your disposal? All locations are easy to reach by bus and/or train.