
Life threatening situation? Always call 112

GP Emergency Station Schagen

  • Address of GP Emergency Station Schagen Grotewallerweg 1
  • Zip code of GP Emergency Station Schagen 1742 NM Schagen
  • Phone number of GP Emergency Station Schagen 0224-224040 for emergency in the evening / night and on weekends
  • Route description Do not come to the GP emergency post without an appointment
  • Pharmacy Pharmacy Schagen

Opening hours

Monday till Friday:
5:00 PM to 8:00 AM
Saturday, sunday and bank holidays:
Open 24 hours
Google maps image for GP Emergency Station Schagen

General information

Do you live or stay in one of the residential areas of Schagen, Anna Paulowna, Zijpe, Niedorp or Harenkarspel and do you urgently need GP help in the evening, at night, at weekends or on public holidays? Then contact the GP medical station in Schagen by telephone.

Our locations are easily accessible by public transport. Don’t have a car at your disposal? All locations are easy to reach by bus and/or train.