GP Emergency Station Texel
- Address of GP Emergency Station Texel
- Zip code of GP Emergency Station Texel
- Phone number of GP Emergency Station Texel 0222 321 143 for emergency in the evening / night and on weekends
- Route description Do not come to the GP emergency post without an appointment
- Pharmacy Texel Pharmacy
General information
Do you live or stay on Texel and do you urgently need GP help in the evening, at night, at weekends or on public holidays? Then you can contact the Texel GP Emergency Station by telephone.
There is no permanent GP Emergency Station on Texel, which is why one of the GP practices on the island is opened per service to serve as a GP Emergency Station. There are three locations on Texel where emergency care is provided: Praktijk de Zandkoog, Praktijk de Molenstraat and Praktijk ‘t Wad. When you contact our GP Medical Station by telephone, the triage nurse will tell you which emergency station you can go to.
Only for emergency
The GP emergency station is really only for emergencies. Are you unsure whether you should contact the GP medical station? Do the check first.
Information for tourists
Need a GP?
Do you need a general practitioner as a tourist? Then always call first!
Is it during the day and during the week? Then call 0222 338 900. This number is especially for tourists. You can call this number from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 17:00.
Is it evening, night, weekend or a holiday? Then call the number of the GP medical station: 0222 321 143.
Need a prescription?
As a tourist on Texel, you may need medication that you are already taking at home. Is this the case? Then call 0222 338 900. The GP on duty can forward a prescription for you to the Texel Pharmacy (Weverstraat 95, 1791 AC, Den Burg).
Information for residents of Texel
As a resident of Texel, you can call the number of your own GP during the day. Is it evening, night, weekend or a holiday? Then call the GP medical station: 0222 321 143.
Addresses of GP practices
Island Practice Texel
Kikkertstraat 34, 1795 AD, De Cocksdorp
Practice De Kaap
Molenstraat 87, 1791 DK, Den Burg
Practice Uithoven and Plasmans
Pontweg 106, 1791 LB, Den Burg
Practice ‘t Wad
Abbewaal 2, 1791 WZ, Den Burg
Practice De Witte
Pontweg 106, 1791 LB, Den Burg